Here is the cast, from left to right:
Doctor Cube, Mark, Nussy, Boris Stoke, Hillarie, Jbond64, HoJay, and Beer in the Dark.
A bit closer up...
Here is Doctor Cube. He is the typical asshole that gets cast on The Real World. He has the following traits: Evil, Insane, Inappropriate, Party Animal, and Mean Spirited. His lifetime wish is to be The Emperor of Evil.
Next is Mark. He has the following traits: Workaholic (only because in real life he usually has more than 1 job at a time), Frugal (because he's just recently found a job again), Friendly, Heavy Sleeper (because of tales from dorksfest past), and Artistic (because of his writing and radio shows). His lifetime wish is to be an Illustrious Author.
Next is Nussy. His traits are: Excitable, Good Sense of Humor, Friendly, Charismatic, and Party Animal. His lifetime wish is to be Super Popular.
Next is Hillarie (me). It was hard to pick traits because it was for my own self! I chose: Ambitious, Bookworm, Dislikes Children (TRUTH), Commitment Issues (because I think relationships SUCK), and Good Kisser (I needed one more and someone recently told me I was one).
And next we have Jbond64. His traits are: Never Nude, Loner, Computer Whiz, Hates the Outdoors, and Unflirty. HIs lifetime ambition is to be a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder. Again, this one turned out very well.

Last we have Beer in the Dark. His traits are: Flirty, Absent Minded, Loves the Outdoors, Party Animal, and Slob (only because I imagine his house covered in wizard staffs).
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